Dr. Antonietta Skincare
Passion for integrative approach to treating acne & acne scarring
Certified in chemical peel treatment
Established patients can call or email Dr. Antonietta to make an acne appointment
Dr. Antonietta's Story
I never had nice skin… it was oily and I had frequent breakouts. I was given oral antibiotics and countless ointments which never really did much.
As my acne became worse and worse, I hated being around other people. I dreaded going to my medical research job and was horrified about what people would think of me when they saw my face during medical school interviews… I refused to be in any photos family was taking on holidays… I did not need a permanent reminder of how horrible my face looked.
Like so many of my teenage patients say, “It has been this bad for so long, I literally cannot imagine ever in the future having a clear face.” I know. I thought the same exact thing.
Most of the time teenagers do not even bring up their acne as a concern because what’s the point? They’ve given up on a hope that someone could actually help their acne or acne scars clear up.
It took me years of hundreds of products that did nothing to find the best products for different types of acne and skin (oily, combination, sensitive…). It took me years of learning from knowledgeable estheticians, integrative approaches, skin laser technicians, and studying hormonal therapies in medical school to truly understand the combinations needed to treat acne and acne scarring.
Diet plays a part as well, of course. But it is the whole combination and holistic approach that really makes the difference. At-home skin care tools, a perfect combination of daily skin care products, monthly peels or lasers, topical ointments, and lastly (only if indicated) hormonal systemic medications.
I honestly have not seen a patient thus far with acne as severe as I had at the peak of my skin care nightmare—and that is good because I do not want them to EVER have to get to that point. I'm excited to be able to offer my patients some hope...and quicker results!
Dr. Antonietta
Adult Skincare Appointments
Dr. Antonietta was inspired by mothers of her acne patients who urged her to offer skin consultations and treatments to them as well.
Adults can now book consultations with Dr. Antonietta for their skin care goals and chemical peel treatments.
Please email her or leave a message on our main site to schedule.
PCA SKIN Chemical Peels
Initial Customized Consultation & Peel Treatment $125
Designed specifically to your skin & desired results
Anti-Aging - Hyperpigmentation - Scars - Acne - Sun Damage - Oily Skin
Includes bottle of SESHA A.C.E. moisturizing cream
($66 on seshaskin.com)
for post-peel maximum results
Sensi Peel $100 or 3/$250
Gentle peel that brightens & smooths sensitive skin
Revitalize Peel $110 or 3/$280
Solution for anti-aging, sun-damaged, & acne-prone skin
Rejuvenation & Scar Reversal Peel $125 or 3/$300
Treats sun damage, pigment irregularities, cystic acne, & acne scarring